Tuesday, December 20


Chapter 1-Page 1      Confined

Caged, silence, lost...

     I sit in the middle of my grey padded cell. No windows, no bed, nothing but padding and a two inch thick metal door to chain me here; wearing a paper thin green gown that the staff preferred to call clothes. My head bowed forward making my greasy muddy brown hair, grown way out passed my shoulders, shown in its ratty state in front of my eyes.
     I've been in this hole for days only let out for daily bathroom breaks or spoon fed a tasteless grey mush. I stay on good behavior when I'm out in the halls, the nurses carry a syringe ready to pounce on the nearest mad-man. I know how to play the game; no one knows what's in the green liquid of that needle but i rather not let it seep into my skin to try an erratic escape.
     The door creaks open behind me i hear the hush of his shoes on the padded floor seeing his black teeny-shoes through my hair as he balances on the balls of his feet ;facing me.
  "Hello Mitchell." He greeted pleasantly.