Tuesday, November 22

Dead End

Life hasn't been as it once was.
The mind is weakening and losing its site
I had in my mind a journy
 my way has gone
The child mind fades and in the real world
They don't want to see the make believe
You create, you plan, you write
yet the writing is leaving and I can't keep up
I want my words to mean something
but they are not noticed at all...


  1. I'm sorry you feel your words are going unread. We all feel like that from time to time. It's important though to keep writing though, because in the end, you should be writing for yourself and for the love of writing, and nothing else.

    I'll keep reading if you keep writing.

  2. thank you for supporting me. I do have stuff to write but my computer crashed but I barely just got the replacement and lost everything I had wrote. So now I'm starting from scratch again.
