Thursday, December 16

Last Minute Part 2

Maybe I had killed him, if his spirit is haunting me; though a ghost would not be able to grip me as roughly as Robert was now.
He tilted his head down planting a kiss upon the freezing skin of my neck and inhaling deeply.
"My sweet Violet." He softly murmured.
Tears began welling up in my eyes, how I thought I would never hear his gentle voice again saying my name with love.
An image sliced through this reunion of seeing Robert to the Robert I saw only.. Oh goodness only an hour ago? Its felt like days! with his head slack to the side neck exposed to a hunk of his flesh being ripped across his throat;his blood pouring like a fountain.
I recoiled from his touch fearing and hoping it was a dream. His hand left my mouth; I whipped around to try and see him.
I felt his neck frantically but it was perfect wait, almost perfect there was however ,a thin scar; where in my graphic memory is where he had been injured.
"Violet." He whispered placing his hand upon hers'.
It was here when my legs gave out from beneath. Robert held me fast as I began to fall while bawling in rejoice of him being alive and of the stress of the evening that followed to this moment.
He hushed me as he bowed over picking me up in his arms and walked away from this dark hell-ish night of my life.

1 comment:

  1. I personally don't go for strange sort of fantasy stuff like this usually, but This actually looks to be a VERY intriguing and promising plot. Stop saying you can't write!!!
