Monday, December 13

A Story at the Top of My Head

Pale early morning streaking though the curtain into the master quarters to reveal the nest of black luminescent hair peeking out from under the lush fabric covers.
It was the pre-dawn much too early then usual for Joelle Granada to arise. She pushed aside the layers of cloth and groaned; stretching her arms above her head and yawning dramatically.
She placed her bare feet upon the cool mahogany wooded floor shuffling along to her dressing cabinet, taking off her nightgown and replaced it with a deliciously dark plum dress and treading boots.
Sleepily she walked down into the kitchen where it was bustling along with cooks and servants that have most likely been awake since three in the morning. The aroma breakfast of buttermilk pancakes and brewing tea; making Joelle’s mouth water.
“Good Moring Ms. Granada up then normal this morning? Did you not sleep well?” boomed the deep voice of the cook Chef Helter. The tall round man loomed over her small frame handing her a small loaf of bread with a slice of white-cheddar cheese wrapped up in a dishrag.
It was code something that she and the cook had discussed if she told him she did sleep well she was still going to go so he would know what to do next. But knew why she didn’t sleep very well.
“I did sleep well thank you.” She murmured uncertain of what was just about to become of her.
Chef Helter nodded once; his eyes giving his emotion of really caring for Joelle. She truly grateful to have a good colleague as Helter but no more time could be wasted; for the break of day was approaching, leading away, out the door to the open chilled air.

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