Saturday, December 25

Photos of Rememberence

I need to get out of here. But there were still three more classes I needed to go to. My mother would let me skip on them given the way my life is right now but it was only the first day. I need to get a grip on myself.
I was with her since ninth grade; it would be four if she ‘d stayed…
No. Stop. Don’t think.
I was out on the open field in the front of the school. I trudged out on the grassy hills and passed dying trees, as they were getting ready for winter. This was going to be my coldest winter. Christmas will never hold joy again.
I took deep breaths and took out a paper and pen from my fraying backpack. I scribbled, doodled, sketched I had no experience with drawing and I sure didn’t have the talent either but it kept my mind busy.

to be continued

Sunday, December 19

I feel a story coming on

Walking though the double doors of Sand Storm High School. Home of the Dirt Devils of Gunther,Nevada. After the long hot summer of fun for others as for myself; I sat at home trying to keep my world from going upside down.
"Hey, Ty." called my friend Steven Tided trotting toward me. I grimaced in greeting and looked down the hall longing for my locker.
From the corner of my eyes I could see Steven look me over as pity crossed his face he patted my shoulder. "You holding in there bud?"
I shrug him off lightly and remained silent. I was afraid if I did answer I would shatter. Just remembering she is not here; not this year.
Steven nodded solemnly "Are you sure you want to be at school today?"
I stiffly walked to my locker; Steven lagged behind. Its my senior year of course I'm going to stick it out even though I felt like I was slowing fading to nothing.
"You got to talk it out sometime, ya know?" Steven commented shyly.
I turned my head sharply to him, I knew he could see what was in my face; he imminently looked at his feet but it didn't stop him from continuing.
"Its been five months right?"
I slammed my locker shut walking off to my first class gulping back the tears.
i sat in the back of my photography class looking out the window. i forgot to bring something to keep my mind busy as my mind unwillingly slipped into the memories.
      Waking to the phone call in the mist of night; a crying voice as it told me my love was gone; she was  gone...
i jumped in my seat as the statically fake bell rang for the start of first day of school. though i think it should of ended that morning in April. Mrs. Mckracken began roll into introduction of herself and what she what she would like to do this year to the passing out of discloser documents, thankfully no homework.
I'm so sorry Ty she's gone.... i flinched.
at the end of class i headed to the next and the next and the next. before i really cared to notice it was lunch time. People who called me their friend are going to want me to speak to them and how my summer was.
Hell-ish. You tell me how to take a summer like mine.
"Yo, man! Over here!" Steven waved me over to an already over crowed table. "This is my buddy Ty Welter! He is awesome! Tina you should get to meet him." Ah Steven showing me off to the new girls that transferred here; like that would change anything.
he mumbled to me "I'm sorry about earlier; try to be nice?"
I couldn't deal with this. I stood up said some mess about needing to do something walked away from everything.

Thursday, December 16

Last Minute Part 2

Maybe I had killed him, if his spirit is haunting me; though a ghost would not be able to grip me as roughly as Robert was now.
He tilted his head down planting a kiss upon the freezing skin of my neck and inhaling deeply.
"My sweet Violet." He softly murmured.
Tears began welling up in my eyes, how I thought I would never hear his gentle voice again saying my name with love.
An image sliced through this reunion of seeing Robert to the Robert I saw only.. Oh goodness only an hour ago? Its felt like days! with his head slack to the side neck exposed to a hunk of his flesh being ripped across his throat;his blood pouring like a fountain.
I recoiled from his touch fearing and hoping it was a dream. His hand left my mouth; I whipped around to try and see him.
I felt his neck frantically but it was perfect wait, almost perfect there was however ,a thin scar; where in my graphic memory is where he had been injured.
"Violet." He whispered placing his hand upon hers'.
It was here when my legs gave out from beneath. Robert held me fast as I began to fall while bawling in rejoice of him being alive and of the stress of the evening that followed to this moment.
He hushed me as he bowed over picking me up in his arms and walked away from this dark hell-ish night of my life.

last minute

The roar of angry mobs rushing at the heels of my feet; panting and clawing through the woods in the inky black night.
She wasn’t what they thought she was:
Not a vampire! No I didn’t kill my love Robert!
Grief flooded through my veins but I can’t let it overwhelm me; my hair a gnarled mess as they are caught in branches, my dress in tatters from the clawing thorns in the brush. If only the snapping twigs could have no sound I may have a chance to escape the misunderstanding towns people.
The trees broke open into upon a small lake. New moon night, still black glass like surface but the shushing of the water stop me before going head long into it.
My breath barely coming in my lungs, heart pounding almost hurting; the mob has been lost for now best to try and catching strength.
A hand clamped over my mouth and hushed me in my ear. “Be calm.” My deep voice whispered
That voice…Robert?!

Monday, December 13

A Story at the Top of My Head

Pale early morning streaking though the curtain into the master quarters to reveal the nest of black luminescent hair peeking out from under the lush fabric covers.
It was the pre-dawn much too early then usual for Joelle Granada to arise. She pushed aside the layers of cloth and groaned; stretching her arms above her head and yawning dramatically.
She placed her bare feet upon the cool mahogany wooded floor shuffling along to her dressing cabinet, taking off her nightgown and replaced it with a deliciously dark plum dress and treading boots.
Sleepily she walked down into the kitchen where it was bustling along with cooks and servants that have most likely been awake since three in the morning. The aroma breakfast of buttermilk pancakes and brewing tea; making Joelle’s mouth water.
“Good Moring Ms. Granada up then normal this morning? Did you not sleep well?” boomed the deep voice of the cook Chef Helter. The tall round man loomed over her small frame handing her a small loaf of bread with a slice of white-cheddar cheese wrapped up in a dishrag.
It was code something that she and the cook had discussed if she told him she did sleep well she was still going to go so he would know what to do next. But knew why she didn’t sleep very well.
“I did sleep well thank you.” She murmured uncertain of what was just about to become of her.
Chef Helter nodded once; his eyes giving his emotion of really caring for Joelle. She truly grateful to have a good colleague as Helter but no more time could be wasted; for the break of day was approaching, leading away, out the door to the open chilled air.