Tuesday, May 18

She Falls to the Ground

*This is one of my story idea's; these stories are never based on real life experiences.*
 ** Also these are in the rough draft stage, go easy on my work* *

First Encounter

       Do you have any idea what its like being surrounded in a classroom full of all your ex-girlfriends? I thought to myself; silently sweating and swearing that right before my eyes, the classroom clock, that was above the white board was starting to tick backwards!
      Each of their pleading eyes; some glaring, others begging or just plain desperate. All of them stabbing into my very soul.I never liked hurting girls but is it to hard to ask for some space? I'm trying to pass school; who needs the drama of a relationship? Its not like that is will give me a better reason of why my homework is late.

     "Well Mr. Luther Almann would you like to share what you've written?" Our Creative Writing teacher Mr. Burr called upon me. I looked down at my blank paper and dull pencil resting in my hand unmoving. It doesn't really help the fact that once he said my name every girl I had a thing with stared at me like I stripped naked.

"I haven't written anything..." I mumbled

"Well maybe if you were not lost day dreaming, wrote down what it was; you could turn it in." Mr. Burr pointed out. If it wasn't obvious enough! Its free write! I'm not going to have him read my relationship failures!
I sighed and muttered  "Great advice, sir."

Mr. Burr smiled as if he had outsmarted the popular jock that he assumes I am. Yet again with his great "intelligence" as to think he has embarrassed me. He is purely annoying; what is with the attempts of trying to make me look stupid?

Lunch! Who would of thought it would take this long for it to arrive?!
       I stood in line and got some gray mush and headed to the area where my friends like to eat. On the bleachers in front of the Football field.

      "Sup' Luth?!" yelled my friend Conner Statis; my weird little wingman dark brown hair but you rarely see it for he wears this homeless man hat, his green eyes holding back mischievousness; even for being one foot shorter then me; he was the one to invite me to the parties and always trying to hook me up with all these girls on the weekends.
      "Nothing really, still a bit pissed at Burr though." I replied and fist bumped him as I came near.
"Oh yeah man! He really has it out for yo-" But Conner was interrupted by a loud angry shout of:
      "WHY ARE YOU BEING LIKE THIS!?!" Coming from the bleachers down below and that is when I first met Her...


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